About Us

The Penny Saver provides valuable information to the community. Included in our publication are local business advertisements, sales, community events, local school menus, employment ads, high school sport scores and classified ads. You can also read local birth announcements and obituaries.
We are affiliated with the Free Community Papers of New York and PaperChain. This adds value and convenience to our services. Through FCPNY we can easily send your ad to any Penny Saver in New York State.
Our circulation is audited ever year, assuring advertisers that our Penny Saver reaches their target market.The Warsaw Penny Saver is the proud recipient of the Gold Standard Award. This award is based on readership, percentage of people who receive our Penny Saver each week and percentage of people who make purchases based on advertisements in our Penny Saver. We have received this award for the past two years.
The Warsaw Penny Saver is rated in the top 5% of Penny Savers/Shoppers in the nations!
Our History

Established in 1943, the Warsaw Penny Saver was produced on a mimeograph machine in a garage in the village. The story goes that Ray sold his couch to purchase the paper needed to print the first Penny Saver. The papers were delivered door to door much as they are today. The earliest copy on record of the Warsaw Penny Saver indicates that it was produced at 10 Short Street in Warsaw in Ray's Garage. Through the years, the Penny Saver has had several locations in the Village of Warsaw. Although we are not sure of exact dates we do know that in 1958 the address was 76 Main Street. In 1964 the issue of the Penny Saver on file has a 71 Main Street address. Sometime in the early 70's Ray and Clyde Browne moved the operation to its present location at 72 N. Main Street. Ray was responsible for the design and typesetting department and Clyde's responsibility was printing and production. The Penny Savers were printed on two web offset presses at the Main Street location. Along with printing their own paper, Ray, Clyde, and staff, for a time, printed the LeRoy Penny Saver and the 5 editions of RW Publications (including the Attica Penny Saver). Clyde Browne passed away in 1974. Ray sold the business to his stepdaughter, Karen Kennedy, and her husband, Mike, in 1981. Commercial printing was a natural marriage to the publishing of the Penny Saver. This part of the business, which began in the mid 70's, continues to grow. Three traditional offset presses as well as a high speed digital printing unit are now found producing newsletters, envelopes, posters, brochures and many other printed pieces.
In 1985 Raymond Browne passed away and although he had been retired for over 5 years the Penny Saver mourned a great lost, his scissors still hang on the wall as a tribute to a mainstay of the Penny Saver.
In 1996 Karen and Mike Kennedy's daughters, Colleen Kennedy and Christine Kennedy-Till, purchased the Penny Saver. Chris and Colleen operate the Penny Saver based on the traditions of their parents and grandfather while keeping up with changes in technology, readers and advertisers needs. In 2005 the Perry Shopper went up for sale. Chris and Colleen saw a good fit and the decision was made to purchase the Perry Shopper in December of 2005.
Chris and Colleen strive to make the Penny Saver a company and publication that their grandfather, parents and the community can be proud of.